Women’s Equality Party – Doing politics differently

Earlier this year I took a deep breath and put myself forward as the Women’s Equality Party candidate to stand in the 2020 elections to be Mayor of London.

As someone who had almost given up on politics ever representing someone like me, and not really imagining myself as a politician, it was a bit of a scary thing to do, but I felt the time to sit on the sidelines had passed. It’s not just that so much is going wrong, it’s about how much could go right if we work together. We have enough resource to make all our lives better, there are so many opportunities out there, we just need to focus on the right things, and work collaboratively to create change. I am so excited to be part of the Women’s Equality Party and to lead our campaign for a better, more equal London supporting and being supported by our wonderful leader Mandu Reid.

One of the most exciting things about our party is that it was founded to do politics differently and work collaboratively to drive change. Anyone who believes in equality can be part of our movement – even if they’re already a member of another political party. We’re the only party not only to allow dual membership but to encourage it, as part of this approach. Other parties talk about working cross-party and building alliances, but sometimes they put their own and or their party’s political advantage ahead of the public interest. Our leaders need to be bold and show that there is a better way to do things.

That’s why yesterday I showed my support for Jo Swinson MP, the new leader of the Liberal Democrats, by joining her party. As a longstanding WEP member and now LibDem member, I would like to welcome Jo and ask her to consider allowing members of her party to join our party and work together, to stop Brexit but not only that, to fight together for a better, more equal future.

Our country is facing an awful and unprecedented crisis. We are not going to solve it using the same old style of politics, the same old entrenched, tribal divisions. There is a way forward, one that brings people together around the things that unite us rather than the things that divide us. Collaboration, working with others to make life better for everyone can give us a bright and hopeful future, one where we *all* have the chance to live our best lives.

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