
Women of Silicon Roundabout conference – “If I can do it, so can you”

Sometimes I get lovely messages that just make my day. Here’s one that I received recently after I gave my “If I can do it, so can you” talk at the Women of Silicon Roundabout conference last month:

“I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say how lovely it was to listen to you talk yesterday – I found your journey and background really very inspiring. I came away thinking about all the things I’m scared of, starting my own business on the side being the main one, something that for two years I say I don’t have time for when I know I am passionate about it and just need to do it! You made me think I can, and now, I will.”

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By telling our stories we really can help inspire each other to go on and do things which we might not otherwise. Many people have inspired me to do the things that I do, I’m so delighted to be able to inspire others.

#techmums meet #techma’am

This Monday I and 349 other techies went to a wonderful event for tech entrepreneurs hosted by the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace. It was an absolutely awesome evening, I caught up with lots of fab friends, made lots of new friends and also had lots of lovely chats with people who are fans of Bletchley Park, BCSWomen and women in tech. A real night to remember, and thank goodness there are pics to prove it otherwise I’d be in danger of thinking it was all a dream….











Starting a STEM revolution #BAInnovate

Next Wednesday 12th June 2013 I’m going to be part of “Team Altitude” on a ground breaking flight from San Francisco to London.

The idea is to get 100 top innovators on a plane, set them a challenge when they get on the plane then get them to present their solution to the G8 summit when they arrive in the UK.

Check out the video explanation of the flight

Our challenge is all around the issue of the lack of women in STEM, something I’ve been interested in and campaigned around for the last 20 years. I’m so excited to be part of it. Apart from anything else I get to meet Kimberley Bryant who set up Black Girls Code, an awesome organisation, she has been a great role model for me.

It is so wonderful to finally see that trying to do something about the lack of women in STEM become a problem that everyone cares about rather than “creating a ghetto for women” which is what I was told when I set up BCSWomen, an all female network for women in tech in 2001.

Our latest project at my startup The Foundation is called #techmums and is all about helping women to empower themselves through technology. I think that role models and confidence building are absolutely crucial in this space and the main issues to tackle. If we help women to become more confident they can take control and own their lives.

With initiatives like this #BAInnovate #Ungrounded flight, getting really smart, passionate and innovative people together focused on this problem I can really see my dreams starting to become reality. Technology is creating a better future for all of us. Hallelujah! 🙂
